Working with file attachments
Documents that contain file attachments display an icon next to the document in the view, indicating there is an attachment in the document. When you open the document, an icon representing the attachment displays. In mail you receive from an Internet message (MIME format), attachments are located at the top of the message in a collapsible section.

Click one or more attachments to select it and then do any of these tasks from the Attachment menu or by using context (right-click) menus. Note however that attachment editing operations apply only if the document is in Edit mode. Documents viewed in the preview pane are in read mode.

In addition to tasks you can perform from the Attachment menu, you can drag and drop an attachment in any of the circumstances listed below. Note that when you drag and drop an attachment, you are not moving the attachment, you are simply copying it to another place:

Related topics
Attaching files to a document
Printing a file attachment
Dragging and dropping Documents and applications
Adding signatures to mail