Your IBM LotusR DominoR administrator assigns your roaming user capabilities. The data that your administrator configures to be roaming-enabled replicates or syncs between your roaming server and the Notes computer that you log into. The roaming server keeps roaming-enabled files and application synchronized for any Notes client on which you work as a roaming user.
As a roaming user, you can do the following things:
Note: For more information see "Information that replicates through the roaming server" in this help.
As a roaming user, when you start Notes, the latest version of your roaming-enabled files are replicated or synced to the computer that you are working on. As you work in Notes, any changes you make in these files are replicated or synced back to your roaming server. This allows you to have a consistent experience on any Notes client computer that you log in to. Replication and sync occur on a scheduled basis or you can initiate them yourself.
Note: Depending on how your administrator has configured roaming for you, your roaming server can be either a file server or a Domino server. The Domino roaming server can be, but is not always, your home or mail server.
Your administrator configures you for roaming using administrator settings as described in the Domino Administrator help at publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/domhelp/v8r0/index.jsp.
For more information about roaming data replication and sync, see the following topics in this section of the help:
After your administrator configures you as a Notes roaming user, you can work on any computer on which Notes is installed and your roaming-enabled data will replicate automatically.
1. Log in to and start Notes on an available computer.
2. Connect to your mail server and your Notes mail.
3. If you have just been upgraded to roaming user, respond to prompts as described in "Converting your Notes personal applications and settings for roaming" and possibly "Configuring your Notes workspace for roaming,"
Once you have been upgraded to a roaming user and your roaming-enabled files are ready, a message may appear either stating that Notes will exit or prompting you to restart Notes.
Managing your roaming-enabled data
As a roaming user, Notes enables your replication schedule and sets it to replicate your roaming-enabled data on the replication schedule and when you start or exit Notes. The roaming-enabled data that is replicated is the content of the Roaming Application folder on your Replicator page.
For information about setting a replication, see the topic "Scheduling replication."