Sorting mail in a folder or view
You can sort messages in most mail folders and views.

Columns that are sortable display an up or down arrow in their column headings. To sort by a sortable column, click its column heading. To return to the original sort order, click the heading again.

For example, in your Inbox you can click the Who heading to sort messages alphabetically by sender names. Note that if you sort by the Date column, messages are sorted first by date, then by the time in the Time column. If you sort by the Subject column, messages with subject prefixes such as Re: and Fw: are sorted alphabetically using the prefixes; for example, messages that start with Re: are sorted with other messages whose subject text begins with the letter R.

Tip: To count the number of messages in any mail folder or view, click Edit > Select All, see the number that displays in the status bar, and then click Edit > Deselect All.

Note: If you have folders in your mail application that were created in an earlier release of IBMR Lotus NotesR, you can upgrade them to the latest folder design.

Related topics
Managing your mail
Moving or adding mail to a folder
Upgrading the design of your mail folders