Saving space in a replica
You can use the Space Savers page of the Replication Options dialog box to control how much of each document is received in the selected replica each time it replicates. Options on the Space Savers page apply to the selected replica in all locations.

If the Replication Options dialog box is not open, open the replica you want to customize, click File > Replication > Options for this Application from the menu, and click Space Savers.

Click any of the topics in the following table to learn how to apply individual settings:

Tasks you can do in the Replication Options dialog box, Save Space tab
To remove or replicate incoming documents based on ageApplies to all locationsYou can limit the size of a local replica by choosing to receive only documents that have been edited or are new since a date you specify.
To limit a replica to a subset of folders or viewsApplies to all locationsYou can limit the size of a local replica by choosing to receive only documents in specified folders and views.
To limit a replica to specified dataApplies to all locationsYou can limit the size of a local replica by choosing to receive only documents that meet criteria you specify in a form. This form is available only in certain application designs such as Mail, Discussion, and Teamroom.

You can also specify that a server replica receive shortened documents by selecting Receive summary and 40kb of rich text only, or specify a formula by selecting Documents that meet a selection formula.

For more information on shortening documents, see To shorten all documents or limit attachments you receive in a replica.

For information on using the formula language to specify limits for replication, see Limiting the contents of a replica if you have installed IBMR LotusR DominoR Designer Help. Or, go to Lotus Documentation on the Web to download or view Domino Designer Help. If a local replica was created from selected documents, you can apply the formula to those documents by selecting Selected documents.

To remove or replicate incoming documents based on age

You can remove documents from a local replica based on their age, as long as the replication history exists (has not been cleared). Removing older documents can make a local replica of a large application significantly smaller than the full application. The documents are not removed from other replicas, so by changing settings at a later time you can restore them to your local replica if you want.

You can also skip replicating documents that have not been modified since a cutoff date. Setting a cutoff date makes replication time shorter because NotesR doesn't have to process every document.

Note: The cutoff date setting works together with the remove documents setting. If you clear the cutoff date, Notes eventually resets the date to correspond to the number of days in the remove documents setting. This combination of settings ensures that the older deleted documents don't replicate back into your local replica from other replicas.

1. Open a replica and click File > Replication > Options for this Application.

2. Do one or both of the following:

3. Click OK.

Purge intervals

When you delete a document from an application, Notes keeps a deletion record that identifies the document. This way, Notes can replicate the document to other replicas even though it's been deleted from the original application. The default purge interval is 30 days. To make sure you receive documents deleted from an application, replicate at least once during every purge interval (for example, once every 30 days).

Every time an application is opened, Notes removes deletion records when they are older than the application's purge interval. An applications's purge interval is one-third the number of days specified in the Remove documents not modified in the last field. For example, if 60 days are specified, the purge interval is 20 days. Removing deletion records frees up the disk space the deleted documents occupied.

When Notes removes documents that are older than the purge interval from a replica, Notes does not create deletion records for the documents.

To limit a replica to specified data

Certain application designs, for example Mail, Discussion, and Teamroom, provide pre-designed forms that let you select which information you want included in a replica. After you complete the form, Notes converts your criteria to a formula and uses it to limit the selected replica.

1. Open a Mail, Discussion, Teamroom, or other replica and click File > Replication > Options for this Application.

2. Click Space Savers, and under Receive only a subset of the documents, if the application design has the form, you will see white space with options to select instead of a list of folders and views. Make sure that Those matching the selected criteria is selected for Retrieve these documents.

3. Scroll the form and make selections appropriate to the type of application. For example, in a Discussion application you can select "By author" and enter a list of author names, and Notes will limit the selected replica to documents by those authors.

4. Click OK.

To limit a replica to a subset of folders or views

You can limit a replica so that it receives only documents that are in the folders or views you select. The folders and views are not removed from the design of the replica; only the documents in the folders or views are affected.

CAUTION: If you set this limit on an existing full replica, at the next replication all documents that are not in the specified folders or views will be deleted from the replica.

1. Open a replica and click File > Replication > Options for this Application.

2. Click Space Savers and select Documents in specified views or folders.

3. Select the folders and views you want to keep in the replica. Press Shift to select multiple and Ctrl to select multiple nonconsecutive elements in the list.

4. Click OK.

Tip: Open the partial replica, click File > Application > Properties, and modify the title so you know what the replica contains, for example, Sales (New + Active folders).

Tip: You may want to create two or more partial replicas of the same application and manage them differently, for example by specifying different documents, folders, or views to replicate in each one. Make sure to give each new local replica a different file name and path. After Notes creates the replicas, you may also want to differentiate them in your bookmarks by changing their application titles in their properties. If you do, make sure to set them not to replicate their titles to other replicas.

For more information, see To prevent a replica from sending deletions or changes to application title and security properties.

Related topics
Customizing a replica
Limiting what is sent from a replica
Setting special replication limitations
Limiting information received from other replicas