If you change your IBMR Lotus NotesR identity (for example, if you get married and change your name, and your organization gives you a new NotesR ID with your new name), your mail application must be assigned to your new identity. Your organization's DominoR administrator will probably do this for you but, if not, you can do it yourself.
1. Open your mail.
2. Click File > Preferences, and then click Mail.
3. Under Basics, click Change to the right of the Owner field.
4. In the warning dialog box, click Yes.
5. In the Select Name dialog box, select a Domino directory in the Directory field.
6. Select your name from the directory, and then click OK.
Related topics Requesting a new user name Delegating access to your mail, calendar, to do list, and contact list Delegating access to your schedule information Mail preferences - Basics