Delivery and security options
When you create a meeting invitation or a group to do assignment and click Delivery Options, the following delivery and security options display.

Delivery and security options
Delivery ReportSelect Only on failure to receive a report only if IBMR Lotus NotesR cannot deliver the message. Select Confirm delivery to receive a report that says whether or not the message was delivered. Select Trace entire path to receive a report from each server that routes the message and a final report indicating whether or not the message was delivered. Select None to receive no report.
Delivery PrioritySelect High to send the message immediately. Select Medium to send the message the next time your home mail server sends mail. Select Low to send the message during off-peak hours (between midnight and 6:00 AM, unless an administrator has changed it).
Return receiptSends you a notification when a recipient opens the message.
Do not receive responses from inviteesSends a broadcast invitation or assignment, which gives recipients the option to add it to their calendars or to do lists without sending an answer back to you.
Prevent counter-proposalsPrevents recipients from proposing different dates or times.
Prevent delegationPrevents recipients from delegating the invitation or assignment to someone else.
SignAdds a digital signature to the message to confirm for recipients that you are the person who sent it.
EncryptEncrypts the message so that only the intended recipients can read it.

Related topics
Specifying delivery options for mail
Specifying advanced delivery options for mail
Adding signatures to mail
Encrypting mail
Scheduling a meeting or event announcement
Scheduling a group to do assignment