Using canonical names for instant messaging status lookup
When you enable this setting, instant messaging can display online awareness for names when your IBM Lotus Sametime server is configured to lookup Notes canonical hierarchical names (for example CN=John Smith/OU=Sales/O=Acme) instead of Note abbreviated hierarchical names (for example John Smith/Sales/Acme).

Note: The features described in this topic are available only if your company has an IBM Lotus Sametime server. The Macintosh version of Lotus Notes does not support some instant messaging features, for example, instant meetings and multiple-person chats.

Note: To determine if you should use this setting, check with your administrator.

To use canonical names for instant message status lookup, follow these steps:

1. Click File > Preferences.

2. Click User Preferences.

3. Click the plus sign next to Instant Messaging and then click General.

4. Select or deselect Use canonical name for instant messaging status lookup.