Increasing Notes application performance and functionality
You can specify options on the Advanced tab in Application Properties to provide higher performance and functionality for specific uses. If the options in the Advanced tab are not available to you, an administrator must change them for the IBMR Lotus NotesR application.

Note: Any options not described below are intended for administrators or designers, and described in the DominoR Administrator or Domino Designer help.

Don't maintain unread marks

Unread marks help you track which documents have not been read. Maintaining unread marks in an application slows performance. For some applications, such as the IBM LotusR Domino Directory or the Domino log file, unread marks are not useful. If you don't need to track the status of documents, consider disabling unread marks in the application to improve performance. If you do not select this property, then the Replicate unread marks settings are enabled and you need when to replicate.

Replicate unread marks

It is advisable to replicate unread marks in mail applications. However, replicating unread marks in very busy, multi-user applications might use enough processing power to have an effect on performance. Therefore, you should consider how important it is to replicate unread marks in these applications. Choose one of the following:

Note: If you selected Don't maintain unread marks, then these settings are disabled.

Important: Before enabling replication of unread marks, ensure that the unread marks in the application and in all of its replicas are synchronized. If you enable replication of unread marks and the unread marks are not already synchronized between the application and all of its replicas, those unread marks will not be synchronized unless you do so manually. Once unread marks are synchronized and the replicate unread marks feature is enabled, the unread marks remain synchronized.

Use one of these methods to synchronize unread marks:

Optimize document table map

NotesR refers to tables of document information to determine which documents appear in an updated view. Selecting the Optimize document table map property associates tables with the forms used by documents in each table. During a view update, Notes searches only tables whose views contain forms used by documents in that view. While there is a slight performance cost to maintaining this association, this setting speeds updates of small views in large applications significantly.

To enable optimization using the table-form association, select Optimize document table map. When you change this setting, compact the application to enable it. Make sure your system has sufficient disk space as this compact makes a temporary copy of the application. You can also use the load compact command with the -F or -f switch to enable or disable bitmap optimization.

Don't overwrite free space

To prevent unauthorized users from accessing data, Notes overwrites deleted data in applications, which can reduce application performance. In some situations, this security feature is not necessary, such as when:

Maintain LastAccessed property

Domino applications store the date when a document was last modified or read. By default, the application records only changes to documents -- not reads. If you select the application option Maintain Last Accessed property, the application records reads of a document as well as changes to it. If you set the application to delete documents based on intervals without activity, such as 10 days without being read or modified, select Maintain Last Accessed property and be aware this may negatively impact application performance. Otherwise, leave the option deselected for best performance.

Disable transaction logging

When disabled, this option turns off logging of all transactions for all Domino API functions. It also turns off full application integrity and a replacement of Database Fixup on system restart with high-speed transaction roll forward/rollback from transaction logs along with support for backup and recovery APIs.

Don't support specialized response hierarchy

Documents store information about their parent and response documents This information is used only by the @functions @AllChildren and @AllDescendants. In applications that don't use these @functions in views, select the application property Don't support specialized response hierarchy to improve application performance.

Use LZ1 compression for attachments

With Lotus Notes 6 or later, you can compress attachments using the Lempel-Zev class 1 (LZ1) adaptive algorithm instead of the Huffman algorithm. Because LZ1 compression can save you a considerable amount of disk space, it is favored over the Huffman method. Be aware, however, that if you are working in an environment that uses different versions of client and server software and you choose this option, the attachments are automatically recompressed on the server using the Huffman algorithm. This recompression of attachments can add significant extra time to the process.

Don't allow headline monitoring

Users can set up their headlines to search applications automatically for items of interest. If many users do this, application performance can be slow. To prevent a application from being monitored, select "Don't allow headline monitoring." See Subscribing to applications to receive the latest updates.

Allow more fields in database

This option allows an application to contain up to 23,000 fields. For an application without this option selected, all field names when concatenated cannot exceed 64 kilobytes, which results in an application limit of approximately 3,000 fields.

Support response thread history

If this option is selected, documents in the application contain additional information fields allowing them to be sorted into a document response hierarchy.

Note: Selecting this option has no effect on existing documents. Existing threads are not identified or rendered as such and only new threads take part in the feature. This is true even if a new replica or copy is made of an application with existing threads. Only new documents will be processed for thread citizenship and a place in the hierarchy.

Don't allow simple search

Use this setting to prevent searches against large applications when it is not desirable to create new views or a full text index. When this field is checked, a search results in an error message.

Compress database design

Use the setting to reduce the total cost of ownership of maintaining any Notes application by reducing the size of all design elements in it. For the Notes client mail template (Mail85.ntf), this setting is enabled by default and the design is compressed when the mail application is created. For all other applications, you must manually enable the setting and then run a copy-style compact on the application.

This setting reduces design note overhead for Domino mail deployments using a copy-style compact to compress design elements.

You can run a copy-style compact to compress the design using this command:

Compress document data

Use the setting to reduce the total cost of ownership of maintaining any Notes application by reducing the size of all document bodies (non-summary item data) in the database. For the Notes client mail template (Mail85.ntf), this setting is enabled by default and document data is compressed when the mail application is created. For all other applications, you must manually enable the setting and then run a copy-style compact on the application.

This setting reduces document data overhead for Domino mail deployments using a copy-style compact to compress the data.

You can run a copy-style compact to compress document data using this command:

Disable automatic updating of views

Typically, views set to index "automatically" are refreshed by the server frequently, unless they have been unused for a period of time (by default, 45 days). This makes them open more quickly when they are accessed by users or by code. However, continually checking the views for updates can make the server less responsive to other requests. To increase overall server performance, disable automatic updating of views so that views are not refreshed by the server, but are brought up to date when someone uses them. This should have little impact on how quickly the view opens for heavily used views. However, views that are used infrequently, or one in which documents are updated often, may become noticeably slower to open. If, for example, there are overnight operations that modify many documents, the first user of a view the next morning will have to wait for the changed documents to be re-indexed. You can programmatically request a refresh of individual views when the modifications are completed to address this issue so that there is no delay for the first user of the day.

Disable export of view data

Check this setting to prevent users from exporting data in a view. When this property is enabled, if focus is in an application view, the File > Export option is not available.

Allow soft deletions

The "Allow soft deletions" property lets deleted documents remain in the application and not be permanently removed from the application's Trash folder for a set number of hours. The hours are set by the application manager in the Advanced tab of the Application Properties box. After the specified time period, the document is permanently deleted. See Deleting and restoring documents.

Note: Only Mail and Contacts applications have Trash folders by default. Enabling this setting has no affect on other types of applications unless you create a Trash folder in them.

Permanently delete documents after n hours

Allows the application manager to specify the time (in hours) that documents marked for "soft" deletion are held before they are permanently removed from the application's Trash folder.

Note: Only Mail applications have Trash folders by default. Enabling this setting has no affect on other types of applications unless you create a Trash folder in them.

Limiting the number of entries in the $Updated By fields

A document stores the name of the user or server that made each change to it in the $UpdatedBy field. This edit history requires disk space and slows both view updates and replication. If you do not need to maintain a complete edit history, specify the number of changes that the $UpdatedBy field tracks with the application setting Limit entries in $Updated fields. Once the $UpdatedBy field reaches this limit, the next edit causes the oldest entry to be removed from the $UpdatedBy list.

Limiting the number of entries in the $Revisions fields

A document stores the date and time of each change saved to it in the $Revisions field. Domino servers use this field to resolve replication or save conflicts. The $Revisions field stores up to 500 entries by default. If you do not need to track changes this closely, specify the number of changes that $Revisions field tracks with the application setting Limit entries in $Revisions field. Once the $Revisions field reaches this limit, the next edit causes the oldest entry to be removed from the $Revisions list.

Consider limiting the entries in $Revisions fields in applications that:

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