Special characters listed by extended compose sequence
A compose sequence is a string of keystrokes that produces a special character. You can use a compose sequence or an extended compose sequence to add a special character to a document.

You can use these special characters listed by their extended compose sequence.

Special characters by extended compose sequence
Extended compose sequence for WindowsR and MacintoshCharacterName of characterCompose sequence for WindowsKeyboard shortcut for the Macintosh
0-128CC cedillaC+Comma (,)Option+SHIFT+C
0-129uu Umlautu+Quotation Mark (")Option+U, then U
0-130ee acutee+Apostrophe (')Option+E, then E
0-131aa circumflexa+Caret(^)Option+I, then A
0-132aa umlauta+Quotation Mark (")Option+U, then A
0-133aa gravea+Accent Grave (`)Option+ACCENT GRAVE (`), then A
0-134aa angstroma+Asterisk (*)Option+A
0-135cc cedillac+Comma (,)Option+C
0-136ee circumflexe+Caret (^)Option+I, then E
0-137ee umlaute+Quotation Mark (")Option+U, then E
0-138ee gravee+Accent Grave (`)Option+Accent Grave (`), then E
0-139ii umlauti+Quotation Mark (")Option+U, then I
0-140ii circumflexi+Caret (^)Option+I, then I
0-141ii gravei+Accent Grave (`)Option+Accent Grave (`), then I
0-142AA umlautA+Quotation Mark (")Option+U, then Shift+A
0-143AA angstromA+Asterisk (*)Option+Shift+A
0-144EE acuteE+Apostrophe (')Option+E, then Shift+E
0-145Aae dipthonga+eOption+Apostrophe (')
0-146AAE dipthongA+EOption+Shift+Apostrophe (')
0-147oo circumflexo+Caret (^)Option+I, then O
0-148oo umlauto+ Quotation Mark (")Option+U, then O
0-149oo graveo+Accent Grave (`)Option+Accent Grave (`), then O
0-150uu circumflexu+Caret (^)Option+I, then U
0-151uu graveu+Accet Grave (`)Option+Accent Grave(`), then U
0-152yy umlauty+Quotation Mark (")Option+U, then Y
0-153OO umlautO+Quotation Mark (")Option+U, then Shift+O
0-154UU umlautU+Quotation Mark (")Option+U, then Shift+U
0-155oo slasho+Forward Slash (/)Option+O
0-156Pound signL+Equal Sign (=), or l+Equal Sign (=), or L+Hyphen (-), or l+Hyphen(-)Option+3 (in UK, SHIFT+3)
0-157OO slashO+Forward Slahs (/)Option+Shift+O
0-158~Multiply signx+x, or X+X
0-159 Latin small letter F with hook Latin small letter F with hookOption+F
0-160aa acutea+Apostrophe (')Option+E, then A
0-161ii acutei+Apostrophe(')Option+E, then I
0-162oo acuteo+Apostrophe(')Option+E, then O
0-163uu acuteu+Apostrophe(')Option+E, then U
0-164nn tilden+Tilde (~)Option+N, then N
0-165NN tildeN+Tilde (~)Option+N, then Shift+N
0-166aFeminine ord.a+Undercore (_), or A+Underscore (_)Option+9
0-167oMasculine ord.O+Underscore (_), or o+Underscoref(_)Option+0
0-168¿Inverted question markQuestion Mark (?)+Question Mark (?)Option+Shift+Question Mark(?)
0-169RRegisteredR+O, or R+0, or r+0Option+R
0-170Start of lineHyphen (-)+Closing Bracket(])Option+L
0-173!Inverted exclamationExclamation Point (!)+Exclamation Point (!)Option+1
0-174Left angle quotesLess than sign (<)+Less than sign (<)Option +Backslash (\)
0-175Right angle quotesGreater than sign (>)+Greater than sign(>)Option +Shift+Backslash (\)
0-176 Light shade block Light shade block
0-177 Medium shade block Medium shade block
0-178 Dark shade block Dark shade block
0-179 Box drawings light vertical Box drawings light vertical
0-180 Box drawings light vertical and left Box drawings light vertical and left
0-181AA acuteA+Apostrophe (')Option+E, then Shift+A
0-182AA circumflexA+Caret (^)Option+Shift+M
0-183AA graveA+Accent Grave (`)Option+Accent Grave (`), then Shift+A
0-184cCopyrightC+O, or c+o, or C+0, or c+0Option+G
0-185 Box drawings double vertical and left Box drawings double vertical and left
0-186 Box drawings double vertical Box drawings double vertical
0-187 Box drawings double down and left Box drawings double down and left
0-188 Box drawings double up and left Box drawings double up and left
0-189centc+Pipe (|), or c+Forward Slash (/), or C+Pipe(|), or C+Forward Slash (/)Option+4
0-190\YenY+Equal Sign (=), or y+Equal Sign (=), or Y+Hyphen(-), or y+Hyphen(-)Option+Y
0-191 Box drawings light down and left Box drawings light down and left
0-192 Box drawings light up and right Box drawings light up and right
0-193 Box drawings light up and horizontal Box drawings light up and horizontal
0-194 Box drawings light down and horizontal Box drawings light down and horizontal
0-195 Box drawings light vertical and right Box drawings light vertical and right
0-196 em dash em dash
0-197 Box drawings light vertical and horizontal Box drawings light vertical and horizontal
0-198aa tildea+Tilde(~)Option+N, then A
0-199AA tildeA+Tildef (~)Option+N, then SHIFT+A
0-200 Box drawings double up and right Box drawings double up and right
0-201 Box drawings double down and right Box drawings double down and right
0-202 Box drawings double up and horizontal Box drawings double up and horizontal
0-203 Box drawings double down and horizontal Box drawings double down and horizontal
0-204 Box drawings double vertical and right Box drawings double vertical and right
0-205 Box drawings double horizontal Box drawings double horizontal
0-206 Box drawings double vertical and horizontal Box drawings double vertical and horizontal
0-207¤Intl. Curr. X+O, or x+o, or X+0, or x+0Option+Shift+2
0-208dEth lowerd+Hyphen (-)
0-209DEth UpperD+Hyphen(-)
0-210EE circumflexE+Caret(^)Option+I, then Shift+E
0-211EE umlautE+Quotation Mark (")Option+U, then Shift+E
0-212EE graveE+Accent Grave (`)Option+Accent Grave(`), then Shift+E
0-213 Dotless i lower Dotless iOption+Shift+B
0-214II acuteI+Apostrophe(')Option+Shift+S
0-215II circumflexI+Caret (^)Option+Shift+D
0-216II umlautI+Quotation Mark (")Option+Shift+F
0-217 Box drawings light up and left Box drawings light up and left
0-218 Box drawings light down and right Box drawings light down and right
0-219 Full block Full block
0-220 Lower half block Lower half block
0-221Vertical line, brokenForward Slash (/)+Spacebar
0-222II graveI+Accent Grave (`)Option+Accent Grave (`), then Shift+G
0-223 Upper half block Upper half block
0-224OO acuteO+Apostrophe (')Option+Shift+H
0-225sGerman sharp, lowercases+sOption+S
0-226OO circumflexO+Caret (^)Option+Shift+J
0-227OO graveO+Accent Grave (`)Option+Shift+L
0-228oo tildeo+Tilde (~)Option+N, then O
0-229OO tildeO+ Tilde (~)Option+N, then Shift+O
0-230Greek mu, lowercaseForward Slash (/)+uOption+M
0-231tIcelandic Thorn, lowercasep+Hyphen (-)
0-232TIcelandic Thorn, uppercaseP+ Hyphen(-)
0-233UU acuteU+Apostrophe (')Option+Shift+Semi-colon (;)
0-234UU circumflexU+Caret (^)Option+I, then Shift+U
0-235UU graveU+Accent Grave(`)Option+Accent Grave (`), then Shift+U
0-236yy acutey+Apostrophe (')
0-237YY acuteY+Apostrophe (')
0-238POverlineCaret (^)+Hyphen (-)
0-240-HyphenHyphen(-)+Equal Sign (=)
0-241+/-Plus/MinusPlus Sign (+)+Hyphen (-)Option+Shift+Equal Sign (=)
0-242 Double underscore Double underscore
0-243¾3 quarters3+4
0-244Paragraph symbolExcalmation Point (!)+pOption+7
0-245Section symbols+oOption+6
0-246DivisionColon(:)+Hyphen(-)Option+Forward Slash (/)
0-247CCedillaComma (,)+Comma (,)Option+Shift+Z
0-248DegreeCaret (^)+0 (zero)Option+SHIFT+8
0-250ECenter dotCaret(^)+Period(.)Option+Shift+9
0-25111 SuperscriptCaret(^)+1
0-25233 SuperscriptCaret (^)+3
0-25322 SuperscriptCaret (^)+2
0-254 Center block Center block
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Using Unicode to add special characters to documents