Meeting Tools - To add a tool to your meeting, select the tool. To remove a tool, deselect it
For more information on audio, video, screen sharing, and whiteboards, see the Lotus Sametime User's Guide at the following URL:
where <servername> is the common name or your Lotus Sametime server. For example, if the name of your Lotus Sametime server is, insert IM01 into the above URL. You can find the name of your server on the Servers tab of your current Location document.
Tip You can view the User's Guide only if your browser version is supported by IBM Lotus Sametime. If you experience a problem following this link from within Notes, try setting the browser in your Location document to "Microsoft Internet Explorer," "Notes with Internet Explorer," or "Other" (Mozilla).
Note If your Lotus Sametime server is version 6.5.x, the title of the user's guide you see is Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing User's Guide.