Triggering an agent on a schedule
Configure an agent to run on a schedule if it is an agent that should run regularly.
You can trigger an agent on an event or on a schedule. To trigger an agent on a schedule, complete the following steps:

1. At the Basics tab of the Agent Properties box, click On Schedule.

2. At the pull-down list next to the Schedule button, choose one of the following schedules. Note that the Web does not support scheduled invocation of agents; however, an agent on the Web can be triggered in other ways, such as through Tools/Macros or from the URL.

3. Once you make a choice from the pull-down menu, click the Schedule button to display the Schedule dialog box. You can add more detail on exactly when you want the agent to run. For example: 4. At the same Schedule dialog box, you also specify the servers on which you want the agent to run. You can choose from the Run on pull-down list. Alternatively, you can have users choose the server.
5. From the Target pull-down list, select the documents in the application the agent will run on. You have two choices: When you schedule an agent, remember that when agents that run on multiple servers change documents in applications that are replicated, you should specify the servers they run on to prevent replication conflicts. Then, set up the applications' replication schedules so they don't interfere with the agents' scheduled runs. Note that agents are scheduled according to the interval you set up, not the exact time of day. For example, if you schedule an agent to run hourly, it runs about one hour after the last time it ran.

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Creating agents
Triggering an agent on an event