Calendar & To Do preferences - Rooms & Resources
You can set the default site for meetings and create a list of preferred of rooms and resources to select from when you are scheduling a meeting.

To set preferences for meeting rooms and resources, click File > Preferences, click Calendar and To Do, and then click Rooms & Resources.

Rooms & Resources options
Preferred SiteClick the address book icon, and then select the site where you schedule most or all of your meetings.
Use this site as the default when finding rooms and resourcesClear this option to select a site each time you reserve a room or resource.
Prompt to reset this default when scheduling within another siteClear this option to keep your preferred site as the default when you select a different site for a meeting.
Preferred RoomsClick Manage List to add or remove rooms from the preferred room list. To add rooms, choose the directory that contains the rooms you want to add.
When I schedule meetings, add new rooms to this listUse this option to specify what happens when you reserve a room for a meeting that is not in the preferred rooms list.

Select Always to automatically add the room to the preferred rooms list, select Always ask to be prompted to add the room to the preferred rooms list, or select Never to take no action.

Preferred ResourcesClick Manage > List and add or remove resources for the list. To add resources, choose the directory that contains the resources you want to add.
When I schedule meetings, add new resources to this listUse this option to specify what happens when you reserve a resource for a meeting that is not in the preferred resources list.

Select Always to automatically add the resource to the preferred resources list, select Always ask to be prompted to add the resource to the preferred resources list, or select Never to take no action.

Related topics
Reserving a room or resource for a meeting
Calendar and To Do preferences