Mail security
You can access your mail security options through the User Security window.

Choose File > Security > User Security (Macintosh OS X users: Lotus Notes > Security > User Security), and then clicking Mail.

IBMR Lotus NotesR allows you to send and receive signed and encrypted mail, so you can safely share data through NotesR with other Notes users or with Internet users. You can also encrypt mail that you have saved in your mail database. For information on how to encrypt and sign mail see Encrypting and digitally signing e-mail messages.

To disable receiving any encryption or signing warnings that may occur when you send encrypted mail or receive signed mail, see Mail encryption failure.

For information on internet-style mail options, see Internet-style Notes mail options.

For information about how encryption and digital signatures work, see How Notes uses public and private keys for encrypting and signing mail.

Related topics
Incoming mail
Accessing servers using certificates
Using dual Internet certificates for encryption and signatures
Certificates in your ID file