Examples: Creating a formula for an editable field
Default value formula examples

The default value formula provides an initial value for an editable field. You can set the value to a specific number or text string, or you can use a formula. For example:
The formulaReturns
0The number 0
@NowThe current time and date
@Name([CN];@Username)The common name portion of a user's hierarchical name
PriceThe value of the field named Price
"Connecticut":"New York":"New Jersey"A text list containing Connecticut, New York, New Jersey
Product + ", " + DepartmentThe value of the field named Product, followed by a comma and a space, and the value of the field named Department

Example: Input translation formula

The following formula translates the text in the Attorney field for display with initial capital letters. If a user enters the text john smith in the Attorney field, it is translated to John Smith when the document is saved.


The following formula gives documents a uniform look by capitalizing the initial letter of the value in the Subject field and removing extra spaces.


Input validation formula examples
Field criteriaFormula
User must enter a value that is less than 100 in Cost field@If(Cost<100;@Success;@Failure("Cost must be less than $100."));
User must enter a value for the Subject field@If(Subject = ""; @Failure("You must enter a subject for your document."); @Success)

See Also