Working with doclinks in Java classes
To access a doclink in a rich text item, use the RichTextNavigator methods in conjunction with the type RichTextItem.RTELEM_TYPE_DOCLINK. To create a doclink in a rich text item, use appendDocLink in RichTextItem. After creating a doclink, you must navigate in the rich text item to access it.

Once you access a doclink, the RichTextDocLink class lets you remove the doclink and use the following properties:
PropertyData typeDescription
getDBReplicaID and setDBReplicaIDStringReplica ID of the target database.
getDisplayComment and setDisplayCommentStringComment text of the doclink.
getDocUnID and setDocUnIDStringUniversal ID of the target document.
getHotSpotText property and setHotSpotText propertyStringFor a hotspot doclink, the text representing the doclink.
getHotSpotTextStyle property RichTextStyleFor a hotspot doclink, the style of the text representing the doclink. To set the style, use the setHotSpotTextStyle method.
getServerHint and setServerHintStringName of the server containing the target database.
getViewUnID and setViewUnIDStringUniversal ID of the target view.