Keyword. One of the following:
[NotesLocale] without locale-tag returns a text list containing all the content language codes.
[NotesLocale] with locale-tag returns a text list or value containing each specified content language code, or a null string if the code is not recognized. A code is recognized if it is exact regardless of case. If the language is recognized but not the country or region, the language code alone is returned.
[AltNameLocale] without locale-tag returns a text list containing all the alternate name language codes.
[AltNameLocale] with locale-tag returns a text list or value containing each specified alternate user language code, or a null string if the code is not recognized. A code is recognized if it is exact regardless of case. The country or region is ignored where it is not part of the alternate user language code (most cases).
[LanguageName] with locale-tag returns a text list or value spelling out the language for each specified language code, or a null string if the code is not recognized.
[CountryName] with locale-tag returns a text list or value spelling out the country or region for each specified language code, or a null string if the code has no country or region, or it is not recognized.
[LocaleName] with locale-tag returns a text list or value spelling out the language and country (or region), if applicable, for each specified language code, or a null string if the code is not recognized. The country or region is in parentheses and immediately (no space) follows the language.
[LocaleName] : [NotesLocale] (concatenating these two keywords) returns a text list containing, for each content language code, the language name, the country or region name in parentheses, a vertical bar, and the language code. This list can be used in a keyword field where the locale name is the name and the language code is the alias.
[LocaleName] : [AltNameLocale] (concatenating these two keywords) returns a text list containing, for each alternate name language code, the language name, the country or region name in parentheses, a vertical bar, and the language tag. This list can be used in a keyword field where the locale name is the name and the language code is the alias.