FTSearch method

Conducts a full-text search of all the entries in a Notes database collection, and reduces the collection to those entries that match.

Defined in



Call notesViewEntryCollection.FTsearch( query$, maxDocs% )




This method moves the current pointer to the first document in the collection.

The collection of documents that match the full-text query is sorted by relevance with highest relevance first. You can access the relevance score of each document in the collection using the FTSearchScore property in NotesDocument.

If the database is not full-text indexed, this method works, but less efficiently. To test for an index, use the IsFTIndexed property in NotesDatabase. To create an index on a local database, use the UpdateFTIndex method.

Query syntax

To search for a word or phrase, enter the word or phrase as is, except for search keywords, which must be enclosed in quotes. Remember to escape quotes if you are inside a literal.

Wildcards, operators, and other syntax are permitted. For the complete syntax rules, see "Refining a search query using operators" in Lotus Notes Help. Search for "query syntax" in the Domino Designer Eclipse help system or information center (for example, http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/domhelp/v8r0/index.jsp), both of which include Lotus Notes.

Language cross-reference

FTSearch method in Java ViewEntryCollection class
