Domino view and folder properties that are not supported on the Web
Avoid using the following view and folder features in a Web application.
Views and foldersComments
FoldersPrivate folders are not supported in outlines on the Web.
ViewsPrivate views are not supported.
Options properties
Show in View menuWeb applications do not have a View menu. To exclude a view from the folders navigator, use the Design - Design Properties box to hide the view from Web users, or include the view name in parentheses -- for example, (HiddenView).
On Open: Go To... options
On Refresh options
Style properties
Unread rows

Alternate rows

Beveled headings

Show selection margin is supported for views rendered as HTML, but not for view applets.
Advanced properties
Refresh index options

Discard index options

Views can be reindexed by an IBMR LotusR Domino(TM) server.
Column Info properties
Show twistie when row is expandableExpand/collapes icons (twisties) are always shown.

Note If you embed a view, you cannot dynamically sort a categorized column on the Web or in an IBMR LotusR NotesR client.

See Also