Opening composite applications in Domino Designer
Use the following procedures to open existing composite applications in IBMR LotusR Domino(TM) Designer:

To open an existing composite application in Domino Designer

If you already have a composite application to work with, you can open it directly in Domino Designer. You must have Designer or Manager access to the application in the ACL.

1. Start Domino Designer.

2. Open the application in Domino Designer by choosing File-Application-Open or by pressing CTRL-O.

3. Select the composite application that you wish to open from the Open Application window.

4. The composite application opens and appears as a bookmark in the Designer Pane that can be used to open the application at another time.

5. Begin editing your application as needed.

To open a composite application in Domino Designer from an existing bookmark

Composite applications that have been previously opened in Domino Designer appear as bookmarks in the Designer pane. To open a composite application in Domino Designer from an existing bookmark, do the following:

1. Start Domino Designer.

2. Open the bookmark of the composite application that you wish to work on by clicking on it.

3. Click on the Design element that you wish to work with.

4. Begin editing your application as needed.

To open a composite application and start Domino Designer in the Notes client

If you already have a composite application to work with, you can start Domino Designer directly from that application. You must have Designer or Manager access to the application in the ACL.

1. Open the application in the Notes client by choosing Open-File-Lotus Notes Application or by pressing CTRL-O.

2. Sel*ect the composite application that you wish to open from the Open Application window.

3. Choose View - Design.

Tip You can also right-click the application icon on the Bookmark bar and select Open in Designer from the list.

To start Domino Designer from an existing composite application in the Notes client

If you already have a composite application to work with, you can start Domino Designer directly from that application. You must have Designer or Manager access to the application in the ACL.

1. Open the application.

2. Choose View - Design.

Tip You can also right-click the application icon on the Bookmark bar and select Open in Designer from the list.

See Also