Using the Host on Demand (HOD) containers
The Host On-Demand container provides access to IBM WebSphere Host On-Demand applications from within a composite application.

Host application screens are identified for the container by landmarks defined in a container configuration. Landmarks specify the actions that should occur for different screen regions in the host application and the events that should trigger the actions. Through the configuration and its landmarks, the Host On-Demand container allows the composite application to exchange information with a host application.

Configuring Host On-Demand containers with the Composite Application Editor

You can use the Composite Application Editor to add the Host On-Demand container to a composite application, define landmarks, and add actions. To add the container, drag it onto the application from the Containers folder in the Component palette.

Adding actions

Once you have added the Hosted On-Demand container to your application and specified the host application you want to access, you can use the Composite Application Editor toolbar to define data exchange actions that should be triggered when specific events occur.

Configuring Host On-Demand containers in plugins

You can also configure a Host On-Demand container plugin by editing its "plugin.xml" file. This process is described generally in "Application configurations" in Developing Applications for Lotus Expeditor in the IBM Lotus Expeditor information center. Keep in mind these specific tasks when updating plugin.xml.

Create properties for each field in the host application that your composite application needs to access.

Add a targetBuilder element to specify the session configuration stored in an external properties file, similar to the one use d by the Hosted On-Demand session bean. You can specify a URL (for example, 'file://D:/') or a file in a bundle, in which case the targetBuilder expression attribute should be set to a value of the form 'bundle:/<bundle-symbolic-name>/<path>'; for example, 'bundle:/test.plugin/configuration/'. For a complete list of supported session properties, see the Host On-Demand information center (

Note If you use the Composite Applications Editor, base64-encoded session properties are stored in the '' component preference. The container uses the session properties defined in this preference if the targetBuilder expression attribute is missing or has an empty value. This is the mechanism used by instances of the generic Hosted On-Demand container created in the Composite Application Editor.

Extending the Host On-Demand container

To extend the Host On-Demand container functionality, extend its view class, Use the getContainer method to access the HODAppContainer instance. Use the getECLPS method to access the presentation space, and the g etTerminal method to access the terminal bean. For detailed information about Host On-Demand APIs, see the Host On-Demand information center.

For complete details on how to use this container, refer to the documentation for the Composite Application Editor, Lotus Expeditor, and the Host on Demand information center (