Using the component palette
The component palette for the Composite Application Editor displays components that you can dynamically add to your application to solve a business need. You can control what components display on the palette and how they are organized.

The component palette is actually made up of multiple palettes that you can switch between. The Palettes field at the top of the Component Palette maintains a list of the available palettes. By default you have a Component Library palette, which is read-only and contains a set of pre-configured components that ship with the product, and a My Palette palette where you can add or remove components. you might add a palette to organize a specific type of component.

Working with the Component Library palette.

The components on the Component Library palette are populated by default and are read-only -- you cannot edit them. If you try to add a component to the Component Library Palette, you are prompted to switch to My Palette where you can add or edit components. You can, however, copy a component from the component Library palette to another palette and edit it there. To add, remove, import or export palettes, choose Tools - Component Palette - Manage Palettes.

For information on using the component palette with composite applications, refer to the Composite Application Editor documentation.

See Also