Examples: Creating a field that maintains a list of encryption keys
The following scenarios describe ways you can manage secret encryption keys.

Editable choice list field that lists one key

In this example, if the user selects "Encrypt," the document is encrypted with the ConfidentialKey encryption key. If the user selects "Don't encrypt" (represented by a null value ""), the document is not encrypted.

Encrypt | ConfidentialKey

Don't encrypt | ""

Editable choice list field that lists multiple keys

A choice list formula lets users choose the encryption key that is appropriate for the document.

Encrypt for Financials group | FinancialsKey

Encrypt for Managers group | ManagersKey

Encrypt for Human Resources group | HRKey

Don't encrypt | ""

Editable text field

You can create a SecretEncryptionKeys field that is an editable text field with a default value formula that designates a commonly used key. Users can remove the value to skip encryption or change the value to use another key.


Computed text field

This formula encrypts documents with the ConfidentialKey encryption key if the Status field contains the word Confidential:


See Also