Creating a graphical display for Date/Time fields
You can display certain editable Date/Time fields either as a blank field that users type a date or time into or as a graphical date/time control.

Note Graphical date/time controls are not supported on the Web.

To create a calendar pop-up control

Users can click a helper button on the field box to bring up a one-month calendar on which they can select the date they want.

Calendar pop-up control

1. Create a Date/Time field that is editable.

2. On the Field Info tab of the Field Properties box, select "Calendar/Time control."

3. On the Control tab choose:

To create a time control

Users can select time by clicking on the control and sliding the selection bar to a new time.

Time conrol bar

1. Create an editable Date/Time field.

2. On the Field Info tab of the Field Properties box, select "Calendar/Time control."

3. On the Control tab choose:

To create a duration control

Users can select a range of time with a duration control, for example, from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM.

Time duration control bar

1. Create an editable Date/Time field.

2. On the Field Info tab of the Field Properties box, select "Allow multiple values" and "Native OS Style."

3. On the Control tab, choose:

See Also