Examples: Working with a result set
1. This agent examines all the fields (columns) in the STUDENTS table of the ATDB data source.
2. This agent accesses all the rows of a result set twice starting from the first row. The first time you do not need to explicitly set FirstRow because the first NextRow following an Execute implicitly sets FirstRow. The second time you must explicitly set FirstRow and process the first row before entering the loop.
3. This agent locates all the rows in a result set with "Cambridge" in field 5 and "MA" in field 6.
4. This agent displays a message containing the values of the STUDENT_NO, FIRSTNAME, and LASTNAME fields for each row in the result set. The variable into which the result set value is stored is also used as the second argument to GetValue to make the data typing explicit.
5. This agent examines field 1 of the first row of the STUDENTS table and reports its LotusScript Typename when the expected data type is DB_CHAR. Use the constants that are remarked out to test the field for other expected data types.
6. This example is based on a form and view, both named "Phone book." The form has three fields: lastName, firstName, and phoneNumber. The view displays the three fields and has actions to create a table based on the contents of the view, add selected documents from the view to the table, delete selected documents from the table and the view, and display the table.
See Also