Using the Composite Application Editor Catalog Add-on
The Widget and Live Text fe ature in IBM Lotus Notes and IBM Lotus Expeditor provides you with an option to add components (widgets) from a catalog to the sidebar.

In the Composite Application Editor (CAE), you can browse catalogs and add components (widgets) to the component palette. From there, they can be added to composite applications.

Browse Catalog

If the component catalog feature is installed, you can use CAE to add components (widgets) from the default catalog or from any other Domino-based or Web-based catalog to the component palette. You configure the location of the default catalog in the Widgets section of the Notes or Expeditor preferences respectively.

Note This feature requires the catalog server to be specified by either its IP address or its full server name. For example, instead of using a catalog server like server/domain the full server name has to be specified in the Widgets section of the Notes/Expeditor preferences.

By right-clicking on the component palette in CAE, you can select gAdd Componentsh - gFrom Default Catalogh or gFrom Other Catalog...h.

If the gFrom Default Catalogh option is selected, the default catalog as configured in the preferences is opened in a new tab in CAE. If gFrom Other Catalog...h is selected, you have to provide a URL pointing to the desired catalog.

For both Expeditor and Notes, you can supply http-based URLs. In Notes you can also provide a Notes URL starting with gnotes://h, for example gnotes://myserver/folder/mycatalog.nsfh. In both cases, the catalog will be displayed in a new tab in CAE. There, you can browse through the available categories.

Components (widgets) can be added to the component palette by dragging and dropping the widget's extension.xml to the component palette.

For further details on how to use this feature, refer to the documentation for the Composite Application Editor, Lotus Expeditor, and Notes client.