Managing query views
Once you have created a query view, you can insert new records in the view, or update or delete existing ones, either through IBMR LotusR NotesR or DB2.

Deleting records in a query view
You can delete records in a query view through Notes or in DB2. Refresh the view to update the Query view display. However, it is important to remember that, when using Notes, you can only delete DAV (Notes) data, not federated data.

Inserting/updating records in a query view
You can insert and update records in a query view through DB2 or Notes. However, because query views are not dynamic, not all new documents or changes to existing documents display immediately. After changes, rebuild the view using Shift-F9 to update the query view display.

Separating multi-value items
DAVs store text lists as a text string, and since Query Views read data directly from DB2, that is exactly what is returned to a Query View. So, if you have a multi-value item that you want to separate out in your QV, you must use the @Explode formula on the column that contains multiple values. In addition, to ensure that the view is set up to handle many lines of data, on the View properties - Style tab, set the Row Height and Shrink Rows to Content options to accommodate your data.

Updating query views
As query views can be built from a combination of Notes and federated data, how the query view is updated depends on the nature of the data that was added or changed and how it was added.
Type of dataWhere updatedHow to refresh view
Notes dataIn Notes views or DAVsChanges are automatic; can also press F9
FederatedIn DB2Rebuild query view by pressing Shift-F9

Setting the maximum number of rows in SQL queries
<Index "SQL queries" # "setting maximum number of rows" CrusaderID_6942_158738149>There are two ways to specify the maximum allowable number of rows returned by an SQL query when using Query Views in Domino Designer.

Note If the DB2QueryViewRowLimit variable is set at the server level, you can still limit the number of rows to a smaller value. When both settings are in place, the smaller value is used.

For more information about NOTES.INI variables, see the NOTES.INI Appendix in the Domino Administrator help.

See Also