Table of numeric operators
You can use these operators in expressions whose operands represent numeric values:
Type of operatorOperatorOperation
-, +Unary negation (unary minus), unary plus
*, /Multiplication, floating-point division
\Integer division
ModModulo division (remainder)
-, +Subtraction, addition
Relational (comparison)=Equal
<>Not equal
><Not equal
<Less than
<=Less than or equal to
=<Less than or equal to
>Greater than
>=Greater than or equal to
=>Greater than or equal to
Logical (bitwise)NotOnefs complement
AndBitwise And
OrBitwise Or
XorBitwise exclusive Or
EqvBitwise equivalence
ImpBitwise implication
Logical (Boolean)NotLogical negation
AndLogical And
OrLogical Or
XorLogical exclusive Or
EqvLogical equivalence
ImpLogical implication

See Also