Accessing database properties

The following table lists the NotesDatabase properties:
PropertyData typeDescription
ACLNotesACL(Read-only) Access control list for a database
ACLActivityLogString array(Read-only) Log from the access control list
AgentsNotesAgent array(Read-only) Agents in a database
AllDocumentsNotesDocumentCollection(Read-only) All the documents in a database
CategoriesString(Read-write) Categories under which a database appears in a database catalog
CreatedDate/Time(Read-only) Date and time a database was created
CurrentAccessLevelInteger(Read-only) User's access level to a database
DelayUpdatesBoolean(Read-write) True will delay (batch) server input/output for better performance
DesignTemplateNameString(Read-only) Database design template, if any
FileFormatInteger(Read-only) Database ODS (on-disk structure) version
FileNameString(Read-only) Database file name
FilePathString(Read-only) Database file path
FolderReferencesEnabledBoolean(Read-write) Determines what folders, if any, a document is in
FormsNotesForm array(Read-only) Forms in a database
FTIndexFrequencyInteger constant(Read-write) Update frequency of a database's full-text index
HttpURLString(Read-only) The HTTP URL of a database.
IsClusterReplicationBoolean(Read-write) True if cluster replication is in effect for a database on a server in a cluster.
IsConfigurationDirectoryBoolean(Read-only) Indicates if a database is a Configuration Directory database
IsCurrentAccessPublicReaderBoolean(Read-only) Indicates if the current user has public reader access in a database
IsCurrentAccessPublicWriterBoolean(Read-only) Indicates if the current user has public writer access in a database
IsDesignLockingEnabledBoolean(Read-write) Indicates if design elements can be locked.
IsDocumentLockingEnabledBoolean(Read-write) Indicates if documents can be locked.
IsDirectoryCatalogBoolean(Read-only) Indicates if a database is a Directory Catalog database
IsFTIndexedBoolean(Read-only) True if a database is full-text indexed
IsInMultiDbIndexingBoolean(Read-write) True if a database is set for "Include in multi-database indexing"
IsInServiceBoolean(Read-write) True if a database on a server on a cluster is accessible
IsLinkBoolean(Read-only) True if a database is the target of a link
IsMultiDbSearchBoolean(Read-only) True if the search index is multi-database
IsOpenBoolean(Read-only) True if a database is open
IsPendingDeleteBoolean(Read-only) True if a database on a server in a cluster is marked for deletion.
IsPrivateAddressBookBoolean(Read-only) True if a database is a Personal Address Book; only valid through AddressBooks in NotesSession
IsPublicAddressBookBoolean(Read-only) True if a database is a Domino Directory; only valid through AddressBooks in NotesSession
LastFixupDate/Time(Read-only) Date and time that a database was last checked by the Fixup task
LastFTIndexedDate/Time(Read-only) Date and time a full-text index, if any, was last updated
LastModifiedDate/Time(Read-only) Date and time a database was last modified
LimitRevisionsDouble(Read-write) Maximum number of entries allowed in $Revisions field
LimitUpdatedByDouble(Read-write) Maximum number of entries allowed in $UpdatedBy field
ListInDbCatalogDouble(Read-write) True if a database appears in database catalogs
ManagersString array(Read-only) Users that have Manager access to a database
MaxSizeDouble(Read-only) Shows the maximum size assigned to a database
NotesURLString(Read-only) The Notes URL of a database.
ParentNotesSession(Read-only) Session that contains a database
PercentUsedDouble(Read-only) Percent of the total size of a database that is occupied by real data
ReplicaIDString(Read-only) Database replica ID in hexadecimal
ReplicationInfoNotesReplication(Read-only) Provides access to a NotesReplication object
ServerString(Read-only) Name of the server containing a database
SizeDouble(Read-only) Database size, in bytes
SizeQuotaLong(Read-write) Database size quota, if any; you must be an administrator to write
SizeWarningInteger(Read-write) The size warning threshold of a database, in kilobytes; you must be an administrator to write
TemplateNameString(Read-only) Database template name, if database is a template
TitleString(Read-write) Database title
TypeInteger constant(Read-only) Database type
UndeleteExpireTimeInteger(Read-write) Expiration time for soft deletions in hours
UnprocessedDocumentsNotesDocumentCollection(Read-only) All documents not yet processed in agent or view
ViewsNotesView array(Read-only) Named views in a database
For further details on accessing the properties and methods of a database, see the Usage section in the NotesDatabase class topic.

Use Fixup to run the Fixup task on a database.

Use CreateFTIndex and RemoveFTIndex to create and remove full-text indexes.

Use GetOption and SetOption to get and set database options.

See Also