Table of Notes and Domino known limits
The following table summarizes the known maximum limits of various IBMR LotusR NotesR and IBMR LotusR Domino(TM) features.
ItemMaximum limit
Database sizeThe maximum OS file size limit -- (up to 64GB)
Text field size32KB (storage); 32KB displayed in a view's column
Rich text field sizeLimited only by available disk space up to 1GB
Response levels in a hierarchical view; number of documents per level31 levels; 300,000 documents
Characters in namesDatabase Title: 96 bytes

Filenames: On WindowsR and UNIXR platforms minimum of 255 and/or OS limits; on local Macintosh workstation 31

Field names: 32 characters (32 bytes in SBCS, 64 bytes in DBCS)

View names: 63 bytes per level, 127 total including one separator

Form names: 63 bytes per level, 127 total including one separator

Agent names: 63 bytes per level, 127 total including one separator

Fields in a database~ 3000 (limited to ~ 64K total length for all field names). You can enable the database property "Allow more fields in database" to get up to 22,893 uniquely-named fields in the database.
Columns in a table64
Rows in a table255
Views in a databaseNo limit; however, as the number of views increases, the length of time to display other views also increases
Forms in a databaseLimited only by database size.
Columns in a view289 ten-character columns; dependent upon # or characters per column
Documents imported into a viewDocuments totaling at least 350K
Cascading views in a database200
Margin size (in inches)46
Page cropping size (in inches)46
Point size to select or print250
Documents in a viewUp to the maximum size of the database
Documents that can be exported to tabular textLimited only by available disk space
Entries in an Access Control List (ACL)~950 names (ACL size is limited to 32767 bytes)
Roles in an Access Control List75 Roles
ID password length63 characters
Authorized users on a multiple password ID8 users
Outline entries in an outline~21,000 entries
Length limit for a macro language string literal2048 bytes

Note Strings in formula language are represented internally in the LMBCS character set, which uses one byte for an ASCII character, but may require up to 4 bytes for some non-ASCII characters.

Notes API objects when using Java(TM)~104,800

See Also