HTML input type | Description | Equivalent Domino field type |
button | Push button with associated client-side scripts for the element's event attributes. The value attribute of the input tag specifies the text to use as the button label. | N/A |
checkbox | Control that has a toggle switch. When the checked attribute is "on", the control value is selected.
Note This option cannot be used with the input tag. To represent a Checkbox field, use the checkbox tag instead. | Checkbox |
file | Displays a file selection dialog box.
Note This option cannot be used with the Domino tags. Use the attachments tag or a standard HTML <input> tag instead. | N/A |
hidden | Control that is not rendered, but whose value is submitted with the form. | N/A |
image | Graphical submit button. The src attribute specifies the URI of the image to display on the button.
Note This option cannot be used with the Domino tags. Use a standard HTML <input> tag instead. | N/A |
password | The password value is stored in the item in the document. If the value is changed in the browser, it is written into the item before the document is saved. | Password |
radio | Control that has a mutually exclusive toggle switch. When the checked attribute is "on", the control value is selected.
Note This option cannot be used with the input tag. To represent a Radio button field, use the radio tag instead. | Radio button |
reset | Button that resets all controls to their initial values. In the input tag, updates the button label to equal the value of the item in the document. | N/A |
submit | Button that submits a form. In the input tag, only updates the button label to equal the value of the item in the document. | N/A |
text | Single-line input control. In the input tag, the value in the text field is stored in the item in the document. If the value is changed in the browser, it is written into the item before the document is saved. | Text field |