Debugging in the property broker
New property broker commands have been added to the property broker to assist in debugging wires and actions in composite applications. Runtime switches let you see the path of a changed property during runtime. You do not have to enable logging; the messages display as warnings so they appear in the default log.

The following property broker commands are supported:

Note All commands that accept scoping parameters (<owner> with pbsh a, pbsh o, pbsh p, pbsh w) accept wildcard characters. This can be any regular expression. At a minimum this should be, for example, "XYZZY*" and "*XYZZY"
All of these command also support the -verbose and -non-verbose switches if you wish to control the amount of information that is displayed.

When broker.changedProperties( ) is called for the traced property, this appears:

2006/05/30 14:50:59.228 WARNING propertybroker
PBTRACE(URL From Tree) changedProperties was called.

When the Action handler is invoked, in this case CoreActionHandler for given action, this appears:

2006/05/30 14:50:59.238 WARNING propertybroker PBTRACE(URL From Tree)
calling handler (
for Action (loadURL)

Lastly, the three Action handlers that are core to IBMR LotusR Expeditor (Core, SWT and AWT) log the action object called. The end action registered for the action name "loadURL" is shown below:

2006/05/30 14:50:59.238 WARNING propertybroker PBTRACE(URL From Tree
Calling action object (
for Action (loadURL)

The SWT handler for the sample "HTML Source" property outputs the following::

2006/05/30 15:31:29.84 WARNING propertybroker PBTRACE(HTML Source)
changedProperties was called.

2006/05/30 15:31:29.94 WARNING propertybroker PBTRACE(HTML Source)
calling handler (
for Action (previewSource)

2006/05/30 15:31:29.94 WARNING swt PBTRACE(HTML Source)
Calling action object (
for Action (previewSource)

Steps to register a property for tracing:

1. Launch the product with "-console" or through the Eclipse PDE.

2. Navigate to your screen (or perspective).

3. Switch to the console screen and type "help",; you should see a block for the "Property Broker Commands" like above.

4. Use a "pbsh p" to see which properties are registered. This lists the exact name of the properties from the WSDL. An example is provided below:

5. Register a property to be traced by the broker. You can use quotes "" for names that have spaces in them:
Property broker is now tracing the property "URL From Tree"

See Also