Using the Web Browser container
A Web browser container is supported in composite applications.

A Web application is a series of pages considered to be a part of the same overall application. Each landmark must be defined in a manner where the landmark identifier can distinguish each page from every other. This means that there must be flexibility in how landmark identifiers are determined.

While you can always use the class attribute and write your own Java™ code to return a unique value, a Web browser container is provided that has several tags that can be used for the same purpose.

Note If this container is not provisioned with the Composite Application Editor, see your administrator about downloading it from an update site.

Web browser container tags

The following tags are supported for this container:

Web browser container field identifiers

The field identifiers for the Web browser container are id, name, and xpath. These identifiers are used in the field attribute of get and put events.

Web browser container events

The Web browser container supports all four of the following events:

contentComplete – This event occurs when the current web page is completed loaded. All actions in this event are executed serially.

dataChange – This event occurs either when a property change is coming into the container or when a DOM element is changed in the container.

viewInit - This event occurs when the specific component (the view part) opens initially.

viewClose - This event occurs when the specific component (the view part) closes.

For further details on how to use this feature and its related tags, field identifiers, and events, refer to the documentation for the Composite Application Editor and Lotus Expeditor.