Accessing international settings

The NotesInternational class represents the international (regional) settings of the operating environment. You can access the international settings through the International property of NotesSession.

The following table lists the NotesInternational properties. They are read-only.
PropertyData typeDescription
AMStringString(Read-only) String that denotes AM time
CurrencyDigitsInteger(Read-only) Number of decimal digits in number format
CurrencySymbolString(Read-only) Symbol that indicates a number is currency
DateSepString(Read-only) Character used to separate months, days, and years
DecimalSepString(Read-only) Decimal separator in number format
IsCurrencySpaceBoolean(Read-only) True if the currency format has a space between the currency symbol and the number
IsCurrencySuffixBoolean(Read-only) True if the currency symbol follows the number in the currency format
IsCurrencyZeroBoolean(Read-only) True if fractions have a zero before the decimal point in number format
IsDateDMYBoolean(Read-only) True if the order of the date format is day-month-year
IsDateMDYBoolean(Read-only) True if the order of the date format is month-day-year
IsDateYMDBoolean(Read-only) True if the order of the date format is year-month-day
IsDSTBoolean(Read-only) True if the date format reflects daylight-saving time
IsTime24HourBoolean(Read-only) True if the time format is 24-hour
Parent NotesSession(Read-only) The session that contains a NotesInternational object. For COM only.
PMStringString(Read-only) String that denotes PM time
ThousandsSepString(Read-only) Thousands separator in number format
TimeSepString(Read-only) Character used to separate hours, minutes, and seconds
TimeZoneInteger(Read-only) Time zone
TodayString(Read-only) String that means today in a time-date specification
TomorrowString(Read-only) String that means tomorrow in a time-date specification
YesterdayString(Read-only) String that means yesterday in a time-date specification

See Also