Examples: CacheLimit property
This example shows an action (the Click sub) that displays the current CacheLimit and FetchBatchSize values, sets new ones according to user input, and displays the new values. The example makes sure that FetchBatchSize is not greater than CacheLimit.

Uselsx "*LSXODBC"
%INCLUDE "lsconst.lss"

Dim con As ODBCConnection
Dim qry As ODBCQuery
Dim result As ODBCResultSet

Sub Postopen(Source As Notesuidocument)
 Set con = New ODBCConnection
 Set qry = New ODBCQuery
 Set result = New ODBCResultSet
 Set qry.Connection = con
 Set result.Query = qry
End Sub

Sub Click(Source As Button)
 Dim cacheLimit As String
 Select Case result.CacheLimit
 Case DB_ALL : cacheLimit = "DB_CALL"
 Case DB_NONE : cacheLimit = "DB_NONE"
 Case Else : cacheLimit = Cstr(result.CacheLimit)
 End Select
 If Messagebox("Current settings" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) _
 & "Cache limit: " & cacheLimit & Chr(10) _
 & "Fetch batch size: " & Cstr(result.FetchBatchSize), _
 MB_YESNO, "Do you want change?") = IDYES Then
   cLimit = Inputbox _
   ("Enter 0 for DB_NONE or size of cache", _
   "Cache limit?")
   If cLimit = 0 Then
     result.cacheLimit = DB_NONE
   Elseif cLimit > 0 Then
     result.cacheLimit = cLimit
     Messagebox _
     "Cache limit must be 0 or positive integer"
     Exit Sub
   End If
   fbSize = Inputbox _
     ("Enter fetch batch size", "Fetch batch size")
   If fbSize < 1 Then
     Messagebox _
     "Fetch batch size must be positive and not zero"
     result.FetchBatchSize = 1
   Elseif cLimit <> 0 And fbSize > cLimit Then
     result.FetchBatchSize = cLimit
     Messagebox _
     "Fetch batch size cannot exceed cache limit"
     result.FetchBatchSize = fbSize
   End If
   Select Case result.CacheLimit
   Case DB_ALL : cacheLimit = "DB_ALL"
   Case DB_NONE : cacheLimit = "DB_NONE"
   Case Else : cacheLimit = Cstr(result.CacheLimit)
   End Select
   Messagebox "New settings" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) _
   & "Cache limit: " & cacheLimit & Chr(10) _
   & "Fetch batch size: " &  _
   Cstr(result.FetchBatchSize), "New settings"
 End If
End Sub

Sub Queryclose(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
End Sub

See Also