Represents a column in a view or folder.
public class ViewColumn extends Base
Contained by: View
Alignment through getAlignment and setAlignment
DateFmt through getDateFmt and setDateFmt
FontColor through getFontColor and setFontColor
FontFace through getFontFace and setFontFace
FontPointSize through getFontPointSize and setFontPointSize
FontStyle through getFontStyle and setFontStyle
Formula through getFormula and setFormula
HeaderAlignment through getHeaderAlignment and setHeaderAlignment
HeaderFontColor through getHeaderFontColor and setHeaderFontColor
HeaderFontFace through getHeaderFontFace and setHeaderFontFace
HeaderFontPointSize through getHeaderFontPointSize and setHeaderFontPointSize
HeaderFontStyle through getHeaderFontStyle and setHeaderFontStyle
IsAccentSensitiveSort through isAccentSensitiveSort and setAccentSensitiveSort
IsCaseSensitiveSort through isCaseSensitiveSort and setCaseSensitiveSort
IsCategory through isCategory
IsField through isField
IsFontBold through isFontBold and setFontBold
IsFontItalic through isFontItalic and setFontItalic
IsFontStrikethrough through isFontStrikethrough and setFontStrikethrough
IsFontUnderline through isFontUnderline and setFontUnderline
IsFormula through isFormula
IsHeaderFontBold through isHeaderFontBold and setHeaderFontBold
IsHeaderFontItalic through isHeaderFontItalic and setHeaderFontItalic
IsHeaderFontStrikethrough through isHeaderFontStrikethrough and setHeaderFontStrikethrough
IsHeaderFontUnderline through isHeaderFontUnderline and setHeaderFontUnderline
IsHidden through isHidden and setHidden
IsHideDetail through isHideDetail and setHideDetail
IsIcon through isIcon
IsNumberAttribParens through isNumberAttribParens and setNumberAttribParens
IsNumberAttribPercent through isNumberAttribPercent and setNumberAttribPercent
IsNumberAttribPunctuated through isNumberAttribPunctuated and setNumberAttribPunctuated
IsResize through isResize and setResize
IsResortAscending through isResortAscending and setResortAscending
IsResortDescending through isResortDescending and setResortDescending
IsResortToView through isResortToView and setResortToView
IsResponse through isResponse
IsSecondaryResort through isSecondaryResort and setSecondaryResort
IsSecondaryResortDescending through isSecondaryResortDescending and setSecondaryResortDescending
IsShowTwistie through isShowTwistie and setShowTwistie
IsSortDescending through isSortDescending and setSortDescending
IsSorted through isSorted and setSorted
ItemName through getItemName
ListSep through getListSep and setListSep
NumberAttrib through getNumberAttrib and setNumberAttrib
NumberDigits through getNumberDigits and setNumberDigits
NumberFormat through getNumberFormat and setNumberFormat
Parent through getParent
Position through getPosition and setPosition
ResortToViewName through getResortToViewName and setResortToViewName
SecondaryResortColumnIndex through getSecondaryResortColumnIndex and setSecondaryResortColumnIndex
TimeDateFmt through getTimeDateFmt and setTimeDateFmt
TimeFmt through getTimeFmt and setTimeFmt
TimeZoneFmt through getTimeZoneFmt and setTimeZoneFmt
Title through getTitle and setTitle
Width through getWidth and setWidth
You access an existing ViewColumn object through the view or folder that contains it. Use getColumns or getColumn in View.
Use createColumn and copyColumn in View to create a new column.
Example See Also