Examples: SilentMode property
The following button script toggles the SilentMode property at the user's direction. The ODBCConnection object must be global to retain its state between invocations of the button.

Uselsx "*LSXODBC"
%INCLUDE "lsconst.lss"

Dim con As ODBCConnection

Sub Postopen(Source As Notesuidocument)
 Set con = New ODBCConnection
End Sub

Sub Click(Source As Button)
 If con.SilentMode Then
   If(Messagebox("Do you want to turn it off", _
   MB_YESNO, "SilentMode is on") = IDYES) Then
     con.SilentMode = False
   End If
   If(Messagebox("Do you want to turn it on", _
   MB_YESNO, "SilentMode is off") = IDYES) Then
     con.SilentMode = True
   End If
 End If
End Sub

See Also