Using the Notes View and PIM containers
The Notes View and Notes PIM containers let you quickly add and configure a Notes view or a Notes personal information manager component such as e-mail, calendar, or contacts, to your composite application. Working with containers, rather than with standard components, is like working with a template for a particular type of application component. A container gives you the ability to easily publish properties on selection events within these views and components to integrate them into an application.

Note These particular containers only support publishing properties and only support the selection event.

When you add a Notes View container, you browse for the particular view you want to add and then configure the view component for your application. The Notes View container supports standard LotusScriptR formulas to access data.

Adding a container component for a Notes personal information manager (PIM) component simplifies the configuration for this type of component. You can select what types of information components to add and edit the component properties in the component property editor, or from the component toolbar, without needing to interact with the WSDL property editor. You can accept the default configuration for each component or customize the configuration to suit your application requirements. After selecting what properties to expose, you can then wire the components to other components in your application.

Note The Notes PIM container supports both standard LotusScript formulas and column formulas to access data. Evaluating formulas requires opening the Notes document, while executing a column formula does not. If you are using a local replica as your data source, either is acceptable, but if you are using a server-based data source, column formulas will have better performance. The Notes view container does not support column formulas.

Configuring the containers using the Composite Application Editor

Use the Composite Application Editor (CAE) to add the Notes view and PIM containers to a composite application. The container interface lets you easily specify landmark events and associate them with actions.

Add a Notes PIM or Notes View container component to your application from the CAE component palette. The components are grouped in the Containers section of the component palette. When you add the container to the workspace, a toolbar, that is visible only while you are in the Composite Application Editor, displays at the top of the component. You can use the toolbar instead of the property editor to manipulate the actions for the component.

Using the component toolbar to add actions for the component

Use the toolbar at the top of the container component to create or modify properties, or to specify actions for the component.

What to do next

When you have completed configuring the container, use the wiring tool to wire this component to other components in your application.

Note A Notes PIM container can only be a wiring source.

For complete details on how to use these containers refer to the documentation for the Composite Application Editor and Lotus Expeditor.