DAV security
It is important to note that even though DAVs exist in DB2, IBMR LotusR Domino(TM) still manages user access to them. The ability to read Domino data from DB2 is enforced with the same basic security as that for using the NSF itself. Therefore, in order to access a DAV through DB2, the DB2 user's associated IBMR LotusR NotesR ID must:
Note Because notes in NSFs translate to rows in DB2 enabled Notes databases, Domino essentially adds row level security to DB2 data through the use of reader lists. If two different users perform a select on a DAV (SELECT * from test.dav), they might get different numbers of rows returned, depending on the notes to which they have read access

Furthermore, the following must be true in order for either an IBMR LotusR Domino(TM) Designer or DB2 user to access DAVs:

See Also